Installation & Licensing Center
HOW TO - Make an Ansys License Server Public Facing (BYOL)
Authored by Caleb Scharf
March 21st, 2024
Generally, setting up a VPN to the network where your Ansys license server is installed, is the most common way for Ansys clients to access the license server so they can work remotely. There are also several other solutions you can read about Choosing a Remote Connection Type. However, there are three common scenarios where you may need to make your Ansys license server directly available to a client computer on the public internet:
- You are using Ansys Bring Your Own Licensing (BYOL) - BYOL is utilized by Ansys Cloud Direct and Ansys gateway, which acts as an Ansys client, to be able to access your privately hosted license server.
- You Don’t Have a VPN - You may not have a VPN setup, that allows you to access the private network that your license server resides on, when you are working from home.
- You're Using a Cloud Virtual Machine - You may need to install your Ansys License Server on a cloud virtual machine hosted on AWS, Azure or Google and that cloud environment/VM is not networked to your local environment where your Ansys clients reside.
Making your license server public facing is not always the best option and can have several downsides depending on your situation. There are several main requirements unique to this scenario which may be limitations for some. If you have many clients or they will be traveling to different locations frequently (and subsequently connecting from different IP addresses), setting up a VPN to your network where the license server is located is often the best solution.
- Ability and knowledge of setting up firewall rules and IP/Port forwarding.
- Ability to knowledge to manage public domain name / A records.
- Your License Manager must be running Windows
- While it may be possible do to this on a Linux machine, this guide does not specifically cover that scenario)
- A public static IP address for your Ansys license server
- Obtainable for ~$5/mo from your ISP.
- While you can use a dynamic IP (one that changes intermittently) from a residential ISP, you may end up needing to reconfigure your Ansys Cloud settings and/or your public domain A record anytime your IP changes.
-, a free service, can be used in place of a static IP address for your license server while also providing a public domain name as well, however, this will not work if you are using Ansys Cloud. Ansys cloud requires a static public IP address.
- A public domain name
- This will be used to point to your Ansys license server's public IP address.
- Obtainable for ~$20/year from a registrar of your choice (Ex.,, etc.)
- Obtainable for free from a service provider such as
- A public static IP address that your client computer will be connecting from.
- Obtainable for ~$5/mo from your ISP.
- You will only be able to access the license server from IP's that have been allowed through the cloud VM firewall. If your clients are not connecting from a static IP, this can still work, however, you may need to frequently update your firewall rules as residential ISP's can change your IP address at random. The frequency varies widely by ISP - we've seen IP's change daily/monthly/yearly.
Step #1 - Setup Static IP and Domain Name
- Obtain a public static IP address from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) where your license server is located.
- Residential ISP's do not generally issue static IP's by default and you will need to purchase one.
- Obtain a public domain name from a provider listed above.
- For this article, we will use the example domain ""
- Create a public DNS hostname that points to your public static IP address.
- From your domain providers DNS management console, add an A record using the following values"
- Host = name of your choice (example: license)
- Points To = your public static IP address
- TTL = 10min - 1hr is normal (this value is not critical)
- Your public DNS hostname is now ""
- From your domain providers DNS management console, add an A record using the following values"
Step #2 - Modify Windows Host File
- These steps must be performed on the license server
- Search for Notepad in your start menu > right click and select Run as Administrator
File > Open > Paste this path into the file name field
> Open - Add the following line to the file and save the file.
- ""
- ""
Step #3 - Configure Ansys License Manager
- Install the Ansys License Manager software if you have not already done so.
- Modify the license file host name and vendor port:
- First, Stop the Ansys License Manager
- Open the installed license file in notepad. The path is:
“C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic”
- Set at a static ansyslmd vendor port of 1056 by adding the term PORT=1056 to the second line as seen in the picture below.
- Replace the existing hostname/computer name in the license file to as seen in the picture above.
Start your license manager
If you are using LM version 2021R1 or later, after making this change, you must not start the license manager from the License Management Center webpage. You must now start it from the services.msc console window. If the license server is ever started from the License Management Center webpage, it will revert the manually specified hostname back to the actual host name of the computer and your configuration will not work.
Step #4 - Configure Ansys Cloud Direct BYOL (BYOL Setup Only)
If you are setting up Ansys Cloud Bring Your Own License (BYOL), your cloud environment will act like any other Ansys client in regard to pulling licenses and must be able to communicate with your private license server. Therefore, you must allow the public static IP(s) of your Ansys Cloud Server(s) through your network firewall. This public IP address of your Ansys cloud address is referred to as the Ansys Proxy Address.
- This proxy address is unique to each customer and region that is being activated
- If you are using multiple regions, you will have multiple proxy addresses
- If you ever deactivate and then reactivate a region, these IP's will change, and your firewall configuration will need to be updated.
Obtain Ansys Proxy Address:
- To obtain your Ansys Proxy Address(s) you will need to setup and activate a region.
- Visit
- Select License Server Connection > expand Region > Expand License Server Connection Settings > Activate > Fill in the settings as follows:
- Once activated, the Ansys Proxy Address will be listed. Take note of this address as it will be used when creating your firewall rules.
Step #5 - Firewall Configuration
- Ensure you're Ansys license server is using a static IP address.
- On your network firewall, open and forward traffic destined for your public facing static IP address on ports 1055, 1056 and 2325 to the internal static IP address of your Ansys License Server.
- Limit the scope of this traffic to only the public IP addresses of the Ansys client computers that will be accessing your license server. (This will be or include the Ansys Proxy Address if setting up BYOL).
If you do not limit the scope as instructed in this last step, any computer on the public internet can access your Ansys license server, which is a severe security risk.
Step #6 - Complete Ansys Cloud Direct BYOL Setup (BYOL Setup Only)
If setting up BYOL, there are still several remaining steps you need to follow in order to complete. Those steps can be found here.
Step#7 - Specify License Server in Client Software
- Have all users follow - HOW TO - Specify an Ansys License Server
- They will specify
Step #7 - Test Connectivity
It's now time to test to see if everything works.
Test from Ansys Client Software
- Launch and run your Ansys software to insure it can pull a license.
- To troubleshoot - HOW TO - Test & Fix License Manager Connectivity Issues
Test Cloud Direct BYOL Functionality
- Submit a very small job to the cloud. Follow the instructions found HERE.
Having Trouble?
- Try reviewing the steps/settings above for accuracy. One typo can prevent it from working.
- See - HOW TO - Test & Fix License Manager Connectivity Issues - the alternate connection tests (PowerShell commands) listed in this article can be very helpful.