Installation & Licensing Center
HOW TO - Manually Reset Your Specified License Servers File (ansyslmd.ini)
Authored by Steve Barnett
September 27th, 2023
The Client Licensing Settings application will create/update the ansyslmd.ini file when you specify a License Server and press Save. There may be times when this file isn't working properly and needs to be reset. For example - on rare occasions, there can be invisible formatting artifacts left behind from old installations, server updates or testing, which can lead to License Server connectivity issues.
Structures & Fluids Products
- Locate and name the following file to “ansyslmd.ini.old”
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\ansyslmd.ini
- Next, re-specify your license server(s) in the Client License Settings.
- This process will create a new specified license server file.
- Attempt to re-produce the problem.
Electronics Products
- Locate and name the following file to “ansyslmd.ini.old”
“C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\Shared Files\Licensing\ansyslmd.ini”
- Create a new text file in the same location called ansyslmd
- Change the extension of the file from .txt to .ini
- Next, specify your license server(s) using the instructions for the Ansyslmd.ini
- Attempt to re-produce the problem.