Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - "Failed to Enable Feature" - Pro, Premium, Enterprise Licensing Available on Server
Authored by Caleb Scharf
September 20th, 2024
In Ansys Electronics Desktop, the user receives an error that a feature failed to be enabled, and that Pro, Premium, Enterprise licenses exist on the server.
[error] Project:PhysicalPatch_improved_scinet, Design:HFSSDesign1 (DrivenModal), Failed to enable feature using current license settings. Note that Pro, Premium, Enterprise licenses are available on your server. To use these licenses check the corresponding UI option. For more information, search for "PPE" in the help documentation. Failover feature 'HFSS solver' specified in license preferences is not available.
Request name hfss_solve does not exist in the licensing pool.
No such feature exists.
Feature: hfss_solve
The user is accessing a newer license file where Ansys has switched to a Pro, Premium, Enterprise licensing model, and the client has not been configured to follow this new licensing model. This switch occurred in version 2021 R1.
Enable PPE Licensing in the Electronics Desktop GUI
Configure the client for the new licensing model:
- From the Start Menu, go to the ANSYS Electronics EM Suite [Version Number] folder and then click on ANSYS Electronics Desktop [Version Number]
- Select Tools > Options > General Options
- Select Desktop Configuration under General > Check the box for Use Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing and select OK
- Close and reopen ANSYS Electronics Desktop. It will now utilize Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing.
Enable PPE Licensing in the SIwave GUI
Configure the client for the new licensing model:
- From the Start Menu, go to the ANSYS Electronics EM Suite [Version Number] folder and then click on ANSYS SIwave [Version Number]
- Select File > Options
- Select Product Licensing under from the options on the left.
- Check the box for Use Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing and select OK
- Close ANSYS SIwave
When ANSYS SIwave is opened next, it will utilize Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing.
Alternate Solutions
In some situations, the GUI will not be available to enable Pro, Premium, Enterprise licensing. In these situations, there are installation or configuration file options to manually enable Pro, Premium, Enterprise licensing.
Modifying the User Configuration XML File
- In File Explorer, navigate to the C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Ansoft\ElectronicsDesktop[Version Number]\config folder
- Open the file [hostname]_user.xml in Notepad
- On a machine with the hostname NICKH41, the file will be named NICKH41_user.xml
- Locate the key for ProjectOptions. There may be more <VALUE rows than listed in the example
<KEY ObjectName="ProjectOptions" RegObjectType="0">
<VALUE ObjectName="ProductImprovementOptStatus" Value="1" ValueType="4"/>
<VALUE ObjectName="ShowWelcomeMsg" Value="0" ValueType="4"/>
</KEY> - Add a new <VALUE to enable PPE Licensing:
<VALUE ObjectName="UsePPELicensing" Value="1" ValueType="4"/> - This will result in the ProjectOptions key looking similar to this:
<KEY ObjectName="ProjectOptions" RegObjectType="0">
<VALUE ObjectName="ProductImprovementOptStatus" Value="1" ValueType="4"/>
<VALUE ObjectName="ShowWelcomeMsg" Value="0" ValueType="4"/>
<VALUE ObjectName="UsePPELicensing" Value="1" ValueType="4"/>
</KEY> - Save the [hostname]_user.xml file, and close the file.
- The next time Electromagnetics suite products are launched, they will use Pro, Premium, Enterprise licensing.