Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - License Manager Server Hangs/Locks Up
Authored by Caleb Scharf
September 20th, 2024
You experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Can't RDP to the license manager server running on Server 2019.
- License Manager server locks/hangs on a re-occurring / frequent basis.
- Ansys Licensing Tomcat (tomcat9.exe) service consumes an unusually high amount of memory.
There is a known issue with the Tomcat service running on Windows Server 2019 that causes the service to unnecessarily consume a large amount of memory over several days time. This can occur on other Windows OS versions but it is rare. Ansys is aware of the issue and will unofficially have a fix sometime in 2021 H1.
Stopping the Ansys Licensing Tomcat Service resolves this issue. To ensure the problem does not occur again, you will need to keep this service stays stopped when not using it.
The Tomcat service is only required when accessing the License Management Center (web browser UI) and does not need to run in order for clients to check out licenses. The service will automatically start when the LM is launched from the start menu (remember to always right click and select run as administrator when opening this application). We recommend creating a scheduled task on the server that stops the tomcat service every 24hrs to ensure the service gets stopped after an admin uses the LMC or when the server restarts.
Step #1 - Stop the "Ansys Licensing Tomcat" service
- From an elevated cmd prompt type "net stop ANSYSLicensingTomcat”.
- Alternatively this service can be stopped from the services management console.
- If a scheduled task is not created, you must remember to manually stop the service each time the LM UI is opened or the server is restarted.
Step #2 - Create a Scheduled Task
- Create a bat file that includes the following text: ”net stop ANSYSLicensingTomcat”
- Save that bat file to C:\it\StopAnsysTomcat.bat” or a location of your choosing.
- Create a scheduled task via windows task manager:
- Name the Task
- Make sure to select "Run whether user is logged on or not"
- Trigger = Daily at 12am
- Actions = Start a program. Point to the created .bat file.